Saturday was a busy day, had a lot of gardening left to do in order to make the house presentable enough for the gathering on Memorial Day. I cut the lawn and put in just about all of the remaining plants I bought when Sean was here. I loathe gardening, and yard work in general, but I did get a feeling of accomplishment when it was done and I could stand back and look at it.
Saturday night we had to go to a housewarming party for Lee & Nate, fellow members of The Buffalo Bears, who recently purchased their own home in the city. It was a fun enough evening, I'm glad Jimmy and Scott were there so we had someone we knew to talk to. It was surprising to see Eric & Michael there as well. A lot of the bears showed up as well. We had a few beers and munched on a few snacks, the meatballs were good.
Their house is an older single family city house on Harvard Place near Lafayette and Main, not far from Canisius College. Of course I wouldn't live in the city again, but to each his/her own! It's an old house with plenty of 'money pit' potential ahead of it. Lots of work has been done and lots more remains I'm sure. There are some very unique features like the bedroom upstairs that was made into someone's poker room at one time. It has a border of old poker chips around the wall. At some point someone painted 40's-style pinup girls on the walls and made the closet into a small bar that you can actually stand behind by being in the old closet space! Lee & Nate have been very creative with preserving some of these elements. They painted the walls in the poker room, but preserved the pinup girls by framing them in wooden trim so they looked framed. The attic is partially finished and the walls have the look of an old English Tudor-style room, it's very cool. The staircase and stained-glass window on the landing there are both very nice features as well.
We had fun and I'm glad we went. I didn't want to miss it since Lee & Nate, and most of the other Bears, came to my housewarming two years ago...wow, time flies. We didn't go out to the bars after the party, I was just too tired from working outside all day. Additionally, we went to Fugazi on Friday night and it was a bore.
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