We decided to head to The Forum in Rochester this weekend for their Can-Am night. We headed down the Thruway and stayed at The Marriott Courtyard and, thanks to my Marriott reward points, stayed for free. We met up with Rick on Friday night and after another unsuccessful attempt to eat at the Dinosaur bbq, this time a two and a half hour wait, we went to our Sticky Lips instead. There was a wait, but a reasonable one. The food and service were great. Three strikes for Dinosaur, they're OUT! After dinner we headed back to the hotel to change into our party clothes.
We got to The Forum just before 11 and it was really starting to fill up. No offense to Buffalo, but MAN there were some hot men there, and I brought my own! The Rochester Rams were hosting the night along with the leather club from Ottawa, so I don't know who was Canadian and who was Rochesterian but hot men nonetheless. We got to spend some time with the guys we know in Rochester, Jared, Rick, Jeffrey and Rob. We also had the good fortune of meeting a few other guys for the first time. Steve from the Watkins Glen area decided to make the trip too and it was really nice getting to know him in person after chatting on line through B411 for so long. He was even nicer, and hotter, in person.
I had a few, (too many), cocktails which included my traditional shots of Jager with beer chasers! We laughed and hung out there until their very early last call of 1:50, gotta love Buffalo's 4:00 bars! We headed back to The Courtyard and called it a night, or a morning actually.
We had decided to get massages while we were in Rochester to top off our relaxing weekend mini-getaway. We had heard about Don the massage guy from our friend Graham and decided to give him a try. The first of our back to back appointments was at 10, meaning we had to get up and moving around by 8:30. Unfortunately, Rochester is just starting to get Tim Horton's on every corner so we couldn't find one close to the hotel, or along the route to East Avenue where Don is. Since I was slightly hungover, from the Jager, I had to have coffee immediately! I had to sacrifice and drink the swill Dunkin' Donuts calls coffee. (Joe - We had sex! Bonnie - We had what Joe calls sex). This made us a little late, but we did get there.
Don is a really great guy and he created a very nice and relaxing atmosphere for a nice hour-long massage. Since I was still a bit out of it, John went first and I sort of napped on the couch. It was a very relaxing massage and boy did I need it. After that, we headed to Crack-Whore Barrel for a late lunch, yummy chicken -n- dumplin's! I'm sorry, but damn there are some UGLY folks at that place...we decided Wal-Mart and Crack-Whore Barrel attracts the worst looking people in any area! Why is that?
Once we got back home I actually worked in the yard, got the lawn cut and planted a few things. I'm as surprised as anyone, but it wasn't too awful. Overall it was a nice weekend and it was good to see the Rochester guys. I decided I need to plan more things with friends, I envy people that do stuff. So I decided to have a Memorial Day party, short notice but I think it will be fun. I spent all that time and money on the yard, may as well have people over to enjoy the day.
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